Personality cocktailFrom
no way to hide my true self at just so ego.hehe..
Sunshine ; Wednesday, October 20, 2004
the power of God, the grace of the Lord, yan yan's prayer...
slept the night away..from 12am till this morning 9am. good rest i guess..couldnt even recall what i dreamt of. woke up this morning, not feelin any pain. i thought its because im still on the bed so i got out of the bed, walk towards my desk and..NO MORE PAIN!!! my knee doesnt hurt at all!!
i smiled and i know it must be the grace of the Lord. i knew someone must have prayed for me, first person that came to my mind was yan yan..she must have said something to God. then i thought probably the babes of mine prayed for me too..
after walking at 80km per hour, i arrived in school in 10 minutes.
thank you, yan yan, for your prayers, for just sitting beside me but sometimes i just want to be left alone. thank you ming, for ur understanding. thank you yy, for offering a ride, for always supporting me in your own special ways. thank you my darlings, ivy, faith and yve, for holding me when i needed support.
thank you Father Lord. by Your stripes, im healed. amen.
Sunshine ; Wednesday, October 20, 2004
Tuesday, October 19, 2004
i need hope..i need God
couldnt take the intense pain in my knee no more..decided to go to the doc.
the doc dropped yet another bomb on me. the exact one that blasted me 6 years ago. she told me, my cartilage is my right knee and i have to stop dance and netball and all sports. she just smiled at me as if it wouldnt make any impact on me.
my reactions aint big when i first heard it. its nothing new to me and i thought i could handle it better now than 6 years ago. but when i couldnt ignore the pain, when i hurt until i cant walk properly..the truth came creepin in.
i cant imagine the days without netball or dance or just sports. from there i derive my confidence and my happiness, not from the way i dress or from comments i heard, but from where i found myself. if im not a dancer or netballer, i guess there's nothing much i could excel in as well. i guess i wont have any other strength to be anyone too.
no one will ever understand how i feel..not just the pain in my knee..but the splitting ache in my heart. so dun tell me things like "it will be fine" cos it aint..just leave me alone.
Sunshine ; Tuesday, October 19, 2004
call me jade or gabrielle
What Name Should You Have? by Lauren
Sunshine ; Tuesday, October 19, 2004
What Name Should You Have? by Lauren
Sunshine ; Tuesday, October 19, 2004
Monday, October 18, 2004
my life last week...
- nearly died in my room due to heart angel saved me.
- went for health checkup, i have high cholesterol.
- had my menses last week.
- handed in 2 projects last week, finally so done with EED..yucks..
- had shopping therapy on friday..went for facial, bought 2 tops and a mini skirt..
- i had sore again!! every week sure will get sore throat.
- stayed up most of the nights until 4am.
- aint dollie at all.
- wanted to hang myself since monday..or tuesday..cant remember..
- ate fish and co.
- ate crystal jade.
- huilin said she loves me.
Sunshine ; Monday, October 18, 2004
Thursday, October 07, 2004
the following people put me on speedy recovery mode..
- my fav yan yan bought me herbal tea.
- elvin got jerry to buy me a plate of vitamin Cs( fruits super rich in vit C ).
- ah yve got me watermelon juice.
- my fav yan yan got me another serving of watermelon juice.
- ming got me two bottles of chrysanthemum tea.
- words of concern frm faith, ivy, ah yve and bobby.
- God, of cos.
many many thanks..for those i could not thank u personally, i hope you know how much i appreciate your kind gesture and you thoughts. God bless you too..
finally, im totally done with ELC 201. four of us went through so much turmoil doing these two lessons for abt 5 weeks..thank God its all done!!! more projects coming up and i need super power to complete all these work. super power plsss!!!
went for softball meeting just now and i heard something like, "softball is not an easy game like netball.. just put the ball through the net..etc" i beg to differ. netball is not, in any case, an easy game. probably its just easier to pick up but if its that easy then it wouldnt take some of us so long to be national players. easy to pick up but definitely takes a lot to excel. i dun agree that its just about putting the ball through the net, not just any sally, mary can score a goal. and not just any tall girl can play netball *defending myself..ahem ahem*
ok just got a call..was asked to be the netball captain no..i think others shd be given a chance to do it.
got super irritated today when stupid-nerdy-ntu guys kept staring at me and i got so uncomfortable abt it. hahaha but one of them tripped over and i managed to contain myself for 5 seconds before laughing out damn loudly after he walked pass me..hahah..i wanna dig their eyes out and throw into the dirty pond over at hall one.
im sleepy oredi..gdnite stars..
Sunshine ; Thursday, October 07, 2004
Wednesday, October 06, 2004
- im ill..again.
- hate sore throat!!!
- no more chilli and chocs==im already having suicidal thoughts.
- i drank abt 1o litres of water today yet my throat is still sore.
- been doin work since 8pm until now..which is 1am??!!!
- talked to huilin just now..i miss her..
- i miss the holidays.
ten things i wanna do..
- i wanna eat ice cream.
- i wanna do nothing.
- i wanna rebond my hair.
- i wanna go for pedicure.
- i want $56 to buy my baby doll top from topshop.
- i wanna go for facial.
- i wanna buy my perfume,lanvene.
- i want to buy facial wash for my face.
- i want to see huilin and peili.
- i wanna get out of school.
Sunshine ; Wednesday, October 06, 2004
Tuesday, October 05, 2004

my fav yan yan..put her face here, this is you in my blog!! pcitures spks louder than words rite..ahhah
Sunshine ; Tuesday, October 05, 2004

my avalanche loverss!!
Sunshine ; Tuesday, October 05, 2004

my darling babes..
Sunshine ; Tuesday, October 05, 2004
Monday, October 04, 2004
called faith at 2.41am..after what she shared a happy news with me. i almost cried while talking to her. i feel so happy for her, that she has found someone who will love her and protect her. i guess the least i could do for her is just, be happy for her and i really am.
watched cartoon last night when everyone thought i was studying..hahahha..not that hardworking afterall i guess.
ivy, faith and their boyfriends came for service yesterday. i was worried that ivy's boyfriend might not enjoy the service cos it was rather sensitive issues pastor rony talked about. i went down to nissi room and spoke to charisa, she said probably God wanted him to know all these and that He has a purpose for jaeson. i hope he will come to think about it in due course.
i told ivy that of all religions, christianity seems to be the only religion which gets persecuted more that any others. no one will point finger at any other religion as freely as christianity, i guess. it dawn upon me that its so difficult to be a christian, let alone be a holy one but then, no one says its going to be easy, even God knows its going to be a tough journey for us..thats why He asks, if we are willing to take up our cross and follow Him, not not take up our bunch of sweet smellin roses. i think, there are no better ways to influence the people around us, than to live a christian's life. doesnt a living example works better than just mere words?
my life is a testimony..of what God has done and is still doing..
Sunshine ; Monday, October 04, 2004
Friday, October 01, 2004
one to end..
exactly one to start the week and one to end. no time to blog lately..or rather, laziness comsumed all of my energy. well, i supposed if i am going to have some more 2-hours discussions, its perfectly clear why my blog lack entries.
been having discussions this week and it has been exhausting. i feel that lecturers in nie think that we are robots cos they just expect us to absorb all the varying information in huge chunks and demand us to swtich modes almost immediately. sigh..times in nie makes me old..
im so tired to type anything now..the idea that ill see peili and all, makes me feel so much better..they are my lovers..hahah
cant really remember what happened in sch these days..except the laughter and silly jokes ivy, faith, yve and i made..thank God i still have these memories.
Sunshine ; Friday, October 01, 2004