Wednesday, August 30, 2006
after staying for the fourth night until 3am, i am beginning to feel the fatigue. but after night, i will be free!!! yeah then i can go for ultimate frisbee on monday which i have no idea how it is played and come back to school for a few days to oversee the CL camp which i think every two teachers shd be rotated to saty for half a day will do, then im looking forward to another picnic or just anywhere serene to catch up with my reading. i have two new copies of reader's digest, two unfinshied novel, one untouched novel, one unfinished christian literature, one half-read chinese book, 3 unread chinese chinese literature and of cos, my neverending course books. so minus the many unfinished books, i have 12 books to read next week. i will be thankful if i cld complete one book to do justice to the newly bought this next week's plan..- ultimate frisbee
- reading and more reading
- CL camp
- SIM classes
- get started on the next two assignments.
- spa
- facial
hmm..with so many things on the list, will i get to truly relax myself or just rush through another week and then pinning for the year end hols? oh what a cycle...
why is everyone so concerned abt the type of degree im getting? are they really concern abt my choice or just want to make a topic out of it? what has happened to human rights? oh come on, dont give me the s*** abt "chinese teachers must have chinese degree" so we shd look down on pgde chinese teachers? well i do not believe in doing something just for the sake of it, if you think you are a better teacher than i, just becos you have a chinese degree than so be it. why be shaped by your type of degree? just so that others will think better of you? i will shape my degree!
the fair lady here, sticks to her own motivation in life. but i thank you, all of you, for your sudden concern which is too overhwelming for me.
oh God, i have too much comments..pls forgive me. must be the PMS and the late nights...
Sunshine ; Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Sunshine ; Tuesday, August 29, 2006
water polo girls!!!
go-karter!!! who lang-ga until my bumper came off!!
the Hai Sing Champs..dawn is part of us now
Sunshine ; Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
ahhh...big splash!!!
Sunshine ; Tuesday, August 22, 2006
the go-kart team
Sunshine ; Tuesday, August 22, 2006
abstract art
Sunshine ; Tuesday, August 22, 2006
the pretty seniors
Sunshine ; Tuesday, August 22, 2006
the troop who went to the batam retreat and conquered it with laughter.
Sunshine ; Tuesday, August 22, 2006
woo hoo.. my batam retreat was fantastic and hilarious and i felt happiness for the first time after so many unhappy days. praise God for his blessing upon us, everyone was generally safe tho some of us were bruised and poor lai lai's foot got rammed over by the go-kart's wheel, regi and imp had small cuts on their toes. however i strongly believe that the fun we had override all the injuries we had.we shopped upon arrival since we could not check in and we swept all the available carefree panty liners on the shelf, i took 10 packs, regi 14, beekee and lai lai took 16. we could not believe how cheap it cost!!! even mr tony was convinced that it was worthwhile to buy some for her daughter.we had sumptous seafood for dinner then we returned to our suites for games. we played charade and i must credit mr tony for setting the game right!! his team managed to get "jun-on and sadako....." i forgot the rest of the sentence but still, mr tony, without long hair and the crawling out of the tv, still led his team to guess it right!!! superb!! my team was also excellent! we ended up with a tie cos everyone was great.regi, lai lai, dawn, michelle, imp and myself retreated to our room for heart attack everywhere, a game which i improvised and it became mad rush, then we had wen-zi-jie-long, initially it was in english then chinese then hokkien...hhah so innovative. and the night was not over...we started WWF at about 2am and i was defending champion!!! i beat lai lai and imp. hahah..we also played human stacko..we just stacked on top of each other until the person could wriggled herself out...i laughed until i almost went into hyperventilation. that was how much fun i had until 330am batam time which is 430am spore time when we decided to KO.we woke up 3 hrs later fpr breakfast, go kart then sychronised swimming, violent water polo then proceeded for slide playing. we spent abt 1 hour playing the slide and that was how excited we were just over a slide at the pool!!! we formed a caterpillar and we took turns to be the head and the tail and of cos, the body..ahahhaaa..when we realised everyone was bruised then we returned to our rooms to wash up.i laughed so much until i came back with a sore throat..actually im a v happy person!!! what happened to me for the past few weeks? for the past one year? anyhow, i, had a great trip, the best trip for now.
Sunshine ; Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Friday, August 18, 2006
the man and boys i love
Sunshine ; Friday, August 18, 2006
the lady whom i love and honour, who gave me the passion in life, who taught me to love myself and who loves me a great deal.
Sunshine ; Friday, August 18, 2006
i watched the show "break up" yesterday and i enjoyed the show, so many parts made me teared and im sure everyone else can find some familiar characters in the show. some parts are like me and some parts are like some people around me. personally, i feel that being in a relationship makes one loses oneself, up to the point when i feel childish, being in a relationship. how come "more of you, less of me" also applies to a BGR? does it always mean love must be sacrificial? until you are so used to being sacrificed then you start to find joy in it? why is it that deeper in love means deeper in disappointment? deeper in love means greater sacrifices? perhaps i have yet to see the true essence of love...oh maybe Jesus my Lord is the best example. how cld i forget that? all i want is just to have someone who will listen attentively to me when i that so difficult? or am i too demanding?i told elfie that...opps what did i say to him? whatever, anyway, at times i feel like loving someone does not make me esctatic, in fact, i dont like the emotional roller coaster i have to go thru being in a relationship. perhaps im not mature enough to be in love, i shd just be alone first and learn along.
Sunshine ; Friday, August 18, 2006
Thursday, August 17, 2006
i decided to name all the people i that they know i love them in words and in actions.- God
- my family
- ming
- huilin
- peili
- beekee
- regi
- dawn
- faith
- ivy
- yve
- cuiqi
- yew ling
- jane
- daniel
- linhui
- miss ng
- mrs lim
- mr tony
- miss sherry
- miss irene
- shiqiu
- evie
- elke whom i have not seen for a few years...
- melina
- barbra
- allie
- charisa
- ok..i realised that its not easy to list all the people whom i love...most of them i loved..
Sunshine ; Thursday, August 17, 2006
God is so faithful, i prayed that God will open doors for ming in his career and ming is going for promotion course!! woohoo...i asked GOd that i will be happier and i feel less stressed at work, perhaps i am learning not to burden myself so much with work becos i have other things to burden myself with!!! studying is fun but both time and energy consuming. english is difficult but i love what im learning, i love humanities tho it isnt any easier. well i believe that nothing is easy at uni level but i trust that God will bring me through.i went for dinner with my two pals and ate until i had diarrhea. didnt get to eat my amaebi sashimi so i make my money worthwhile by hitting the salmom sashimi. celeste poured out her feelings to us and sometimes i really dont know what to say to her. i always know how she will feel and what she will say and i just feel asking her to start thinking for herself and think straight!! but she is so fragile, how to mk her realise that she is expecting too much from reality? how to tell her that God just love her for what she is? how to tell her that she doesnt need to strese herself so much? how to tell her that God is her source of comfort and strength? how to tell her that she shd learn to be happy?sigh...i think im not the one to advise her. i think that there is a point in life when you need to self motivate,cos everyone will have their down times and everyone needs to learn to pick themselves up. unless, of course, you have God.i did nothing this morning, spent time in the hall being toilet escort, taking attendance and all. i didnt even have time to do my readings.we often take people for granted, just becos they are close to us, so we expect them to accede to our request and meet our needs without us asking. i cant take it when im told that i am forgottten cos of the computer games. sigh...why must we always wait for something to happen then we will learn to love the treasures around us? i told 3 people what i learnt from my fav teacher, miss ng back hon; "something done out of commitment cannot be compared to the things done out of passion."
Sunshine ; Thursday, August 17, 2006
Thursday, August 10, 2006
i attended two lectures and one tutorial in SIM and i feel great! great is an understatement, totally but until i find another word, great it shall be.i feel smart knowing the histoy of english and learning to discuss art. though the amount of reading is daunting and gosh..tell me about the content!! i cant understand anything!! but, that aside, i really enjoy studying. i prob wont do exceedingly well but at least i enjoy what im studying.i have a love for the song,"geek in the pink" by Jason Mraz these days, no idea why but im attracted the tune and the lyrics, very cute.after a day of viral infection, i told myself repeatedly that i will not let anything from school crush me again. i shall not be bothered by the work that is not done by the students, the nonsense said by my superiors, the rubbish i get from the parents. i shall not be too bothered, that should be it...i received a card and a book from someone who cares a lot for me but he/she has forgotten to sign off!! and now, i feel so rude not expressing my gratitude towards the person personally. its really encouraging to have an angel in such a competitve environment. Thank God.too much in my mind now to type anything that makes sense now..."that Christ mat dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love," Ephesians 3:17
Sunshine ; Thursday, August 10, 2006
its a school holiday and im in school marking, not surprised to many at all, even a part of me somehow feel that i should be in school to attempt to finish the marking that will never be finished.i feel like shit today becos i was made to feel that i dont deserve any break at all, i dont deserve anything good in this world except work hard and study hard. by making a promise to try to study hard, i dont know what i got myself into, i actually signed my life to eternal stress and emotional unrest. "you promised to study hard but its all words and no actions." and all i wanted was to go for a dessert after today, after wasting time sleeping, i washed up and came to school so that i have good reasons to explain my reason for going out. i shd prob be executed for wasting time blogging here. yes you can slap me with your scathing remarks. yes i exaggerated the kind of hurt i have.
Sunshine ; Thursday, August 10, 2006