Thursday, May 22, 2008
sigh...will they make an exception for me? dont know what to feel when i received the email from them, i dont want to have confusion and feel so lost anymore...why is it do difficult to stay or leave? i think its harder to leave..june hols will be quite packed for now, leaving for china until 30th may, going to sis place for 5 days, going to bangkok for 4 days and then its back to school. meanwhile need to squeeze time to mark, hopefully can prepare for some work, help to get excited for kei's wedding, need to attend 3 weddings in total. want to steal some time to go the beach and picnic, go cycling, go swimming, go gym, go eat gd food..spend more time with barbi, clean my hamsters and clear my room. woohoo...not forgetting to arrange to meet the girls since ivy is back and meet susan and write to yati and meet dawn and there ever time for myself?want to rest hard and do some reflections for the thgs that had happened and the feelings i am going thru..hopefully it will bring some pointers for the next half of the year..till off to the big C!!
Sunshine ; Thursday, May 22, 2008
Sunday, May 18, 2008
after watching what i watched for the past few days, i begin to look out for the other 3 good friends who are there always for me, listen to me and always be happy for me whenever im happy. i also learn that friends are those who makes cynical comments abt what you do, what you think but they still love you and whatever happens, they still want the best for you and they will always wait for you to come back to fill the empty seat beside them. they will always be one call away..even though they are living in different countries. friends make difficult times easier to go through and they dont judge you by what you do and they cry when you cry, they laugh when you laugh, they kiss and they hug you, they let you talk abt yr fears, yr joy, yr worries, yr irritating boss, yr bitchy colleagues, yr naggy mum, yr whatever even tho they are not in the best of moods to listen. awwww...such friends are hard to come by..must keep them and thank god for them when you find them!!when you are in any relationship, its just no longer abt you anymore. its abt them whom you love, its time to give up a part of you, even if that is very precious to you, you still have to give it up..and for me, its my ego.time to say bye bye..ego..when someone loves you, they do the thgs for you even tho they dont like it.i wish i cld have more get-togethers with my gfs..and now...its beijing until 30th may..till i see my beloved again..sob sob
Sunshine ; Sunday, May 18, 2008
The Five Love Languages
My primary love language is probably
Quality Timewith a secondary love language being
Physical Touch.
Complete set of results
Quality Time: | | 8 |
Physical Touch: | | 7 |
Words of Affirmation: | | 7 |
Acts of Service: | | 4 |
Receiving Gifts: | | 4 |
Unhappiness in relationships, according to Dr. Gary Chapman, is often due to the fact that we speak different love languages. Sometimes we don't understand our partner's requirements, or even our own. We all have a "love tank" that needs to be filled in order for us to express love to others, but there are different means by which our tank can be filled, and there are different ways that we can express love to others.
Take the quiz
Sunshine ; Sunday, May 18, 2008
Monday, May 12, 2008
ok here are some updates of casey and jojo~~~
casey all curled up and slping..awwwww..cute isnt it?
casey lying on his slide, eating..
ok no updates of jojo..
"what does education mean to you? for me, education is a very powerful tool, it will bring pple out of poverty. you must have a philosophy in life then it will anchor your steps in whatever you are doing."
wah..after a talk with my sup, i felt very motivated and really wanted to spend some time thking abt what does my job mean to me. i really enjoy teaching but i dont want to be a teacher just cos nie says i am a qualified teacher..the thg now is, i dont even know if im gd at teaching. sup is rite, tecahing is more than just teaching them how to read and write, its the impact you have on them.
no wonder whenever i see naughty daniel's card, i feel like going on knowing that he is one life i have touched even tho i was an immature teacher.
sup said she is building my portfolio and she knew that i have exceeded my current grade long time ago..i feel really gd after listening to such affirmation rather than hearing silly comments like "cos others need to move you are down." what kind of stupid excuse is that? sigh..time is just wasted in the hands of someone who doesnt appreciate your deeds, only like to act on favourtism. wasted my 3 years..
at least now i know i have been consistently high *..well not bad for morale boosting..but i still wonder hw long do i still need to wait? wait until all the grads have been promoted? wait until all the post grads who just go on maternity leave to get promoted? sigh...why cant they understd that when they spend more time studying in uni doesnt equate to their working abilities? its just a pack of bull dabian tat is stuffed into my mouth and i have to stomach it just cos i am not a grad.
ok cool down..
had the most restful weekend. went to upper pierce reservoir for some fresh air and i felt rejuvenated. then proceeded to eat prata tho lunch was just 2 hours ago. came home to rest, key in results, went to T3 for some zen sushi..ahaha we sat on bean bags, so cute!! ate sushi and saw lai lai..ahhh..this is weekend man..
its gg to be hols soon..beginning to get really impatient in class and just feel like gg on super long leave. it doesnt really help that my hols are taken up by the china trip and need to go help sis at her centre. i want my own time!!!
cant wait for bangkok trip with twinnie!!! hope the rooms are not too bad..and not too ulu since its rather cheap.
Sunshine ; Monday, May 12, 2008
Friday, May 02, 2008
just when i tot that the meeting was more of the usual leader-talk-the-rest-just-listened kind of thing, it turned out to be a surprise and in fact, more than more i cld digest.time, charisa said god gave us one of these possessions which we are accountable for. i dont know abt you, but i am pressed for time, i always have this "bad" tot in my mind, "just send a msg and get excused for dance" many times i applaud myself for nt giving in to that tot and just go on to serve and tho i come back with aches and fatigue, i served with all that i have. but of cos, when i really need to mark and be a responsible 'cher, i just send the msg over knowing that i wont get now, how cld you say such thgs like "taking leave in dance is a condemned act and i will be deemed as irresponsible" well my qn to you is, if you think that you have geniuine reasons, why wld you think that you will be condemned? and how long have you be in this ministry? aint it long enuff for you to know that there is no condemnation here? hw can smone claimed that " oh i have sought the bible and God has revealed to me that i shd obey authorities..why not we tk a vote?" excuse me, are you rallying support to go against your leader who has been serving for years and has not yet taken any leave and still put up with yr accusations..and you claimed you sough the word?sorry being very emotional here, i have never cried at an agm, i mean, seriously who wld? well yesterday, cher, charisa and me did. i vaguely saw tears brimming in cher's eyes. cos we rem the times when we fought ourselves to still make the trip to woodlands, we gave up time to study to work, to rest, to think, to restore, knowing that God has greater rewards for us. hw can a ministry be there to burn you out? who doesnt have a family? do they have a son who just entered pri 1? do they have ageing parents? do they need to work for a living just so that there will be food on the table at the end of the day? come on, if you have time management problems, short of time for facial, spas, shopping, and what nots, do not proclaim that it is the ministry's fault..this is yr personal struggle. yes we are abiding by a standard, cos this standard has enabled the ministry to be what it is today. why shd the the ministry's standard be shifted just cos you need more time for yourself now? has the ministry changed? no you did.neh said that if a ministry mks pple happy and comfortable, more pple will step forward to serve. i beg to differ, that is a hobby, that is not commitment. commitment is doing what you need to do even if you dont like it.if i am wrong, i deserve to be rebuked, if not, i can look forward to my rewards.charisa i love you, you have been the greatest leader to me.
Sunshine ; Friday, May 02, 2008