Tuesday, November 25, 2008
its the beginning of wk 4 in japan and im sort of used to the lifestyle..work, go supermarket, go home then cook. hahaah we are always on the lookout for supermarkets here cos we want to buy the cheapest one here which sells a great variety, in simpler terms, "fresh and green" .
last week i went to ueno and i bought quite a bit of snacks there and the biggest catch was 1000yen for 2 big unagi (eel) which is abt $16 back in sg. i think its super worth it for such big pieces! see, thats my obasan-spirit. im labelled as the obasan queen here by the girls and provision shop aunty by albert, hahah..oh yah and my bag is like doraemon's tummy cos it always has food and almost everythg.
on the way to ueno, we dropped by this fancl house which sells collagen drink so we rushed to buy. i bought this mango banana drink and it reminded me of how much i miss mango!! the person sprinkled collagen powder into our drink as if she was adding pepper. val and i mk sure that we scouped all of the powder into our drink! :) the fancl products are so cheap here, i think ill lug sm back tho i dunno if the tense-up ex really works. flo said there is a 7-storey outlet in ginza. will surely drop by!
my hands are getting very wrinkled cos we always wash our hands with cold water. i can see the skin drying up..sad..i stll thought that my complexion will be fantastic here...wanted to look for tact beautycare here but i dont think they have it here :(
had my third review here and for the first time, i felt discouraged. kj said no one is that outstanding yet among the 5 of us. i really dunno what else to do except to work harder..pls pray for me, for strength and wisdom in my work.
twinnie leaving for shanghai tmr, i think..have a safe journey my dear! must still keep in touch ok! leave everythg behind and just go for a gd hol!
congrats kei! for getting the job..do they pay u well? hw many days do u nid to work? god is faithful..praise the lord.
hmm maybe i shd start writing resumes and sell them!
Sunshine ; Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Sunday, November 16, 2008
after 3 days working at lala garden, i felt very accomplished n very "uniqlo" hahah..i feel that everyone was very willing to help and it felt great each time i complete my task. although i din really understand what they were sayin nbut i felt useful getting them what they want.
a customer said "kawa-i' to me, i think she meant cute..hhehe. of cos, i do feel tired and everyday after work, i come back n either cook rice or do my laundry n i feel quite "aunty" here cos every now n then ill go the supermaket after work to buy food and cook. ahahha. altho im tired but i still feel good, knowing that everyday i learn smthg new. the fact that pple r praying for me back in sg comforts me n of cos, god has been faithful and he strengthens me everyday so that i can go thru the challenges ahead.
cant wait to see the new store in tamp! so exicting and val n i were thinking how we will be after these 2 months of trgn.
7 more wks to go...jia you!
Sunshine ; Sunday, November 16, 2008
Thursday, November 13, 2008
ok spent 12 days in tokyo oredi and still trying to adjust to the dry air here. lost my voice for 2 days and finally could speak clearly today but yet to recover from my sexy voice!went to the new store at LaLa garden today which is situated at kawaguji, we took abt 1 hour and 15 mins to travel there. we took a subway and a train and then a local bus. travelling fares are very expensive here, each day can spend abt 20 sing dollars just taking subway aka mrt in SG. jia lak.today at new store, i saw how perfect the fixtures and clothes were spread across the shop and how fast the sales went. so far, i have witnessed their daily achievements of 130% to 150% which is AMAZING! i feel very proud to be part of this established and high-achieving organisation which really demands high quality of everything they do, from products to staff. i was a bit accident prone today though, all happened in the stock room. the mountains of boxes landed on me twice, thank God they dint land on my head. i kicked my toes and hit my knees against a container which was super painful, it was so bad that i was limping on the shop floor. then valerie acciddentally whack my head with her elbow..next a colleague also accidentally pushed me off or smthg, i cant rem, too many thgs happening today.i ate green tea ice cream with red bean during my half an hour break. i shared with florence and it was ok la. finally tasted jap red bean! i think i want to look ard for more jap red bean dessers, shd be able to get nicer ones. i felt very useful today cos i completed many tasks today and even though its hard work and smtimes i feel like im a storeman cos i need to life so many boxes and do so many manual stuff yet i still look forward to another day at the store..cos i know there will be new thgs to learn and more challenges to overcome. with kenji ard, nothg seems impossible.i had my first review this wk and it was very positive n encouraging. its very comforting to know that you will be rewarded by yr efforts. thank God for his grace that has carried me thus far.i miss the food in SG. today was talking abt and for a moment, i wish i was gg home oredi...
Sunshine ; Thursday, November 13, 2008
Saturday, November 08, 2008
"In the Bible we see that God consistently used people who were far less than perfect. That shouldn’t surprise us. God is glorified by showing Himself strong through our weaknesses. It shows us that He desires to work through our lives not because we are perfect but because He is. And since He uses weak and foolish things (1 Cor. 1:27), it means you and I are prime candidates for His work.
The Lord isn’t looking for superheroes. He uses those of us who are flawed and frail, so that He can show His strength and grace. He wants those with a willing and available heart. — Bill Crowder"--My Daily BreadThank God im flawed...so that His Grace can work in me.
Sunshine ; Saturday, November 08, 2008
this is my name in japanese
Sunshine ; Saturday, November 08, 2008
Thursday, November 06, 2008
hi peeps...I have started going to the store yesterday and today. yesterday was a lot of infomation and so I was very tired when i came back. my Jap bosses treated us dinner on Tuesday evening, i went to get some grocery and replenishment last nite so for the past few nites, we have been coming back at 9 plus and by the time we settled down, its abt 12 oredi so i have been quite tired. im afraid that ill overslp so i wont really go into deep slp, ill wake up in the nite and check the time for fear of being late. so far, i have not, thank God and i hope ill remain punctual cos punctuality is very impt here..we literally have to squeeze ourselves into the train every morning. i have never experienced this in SG before! there are actually a few cabins allocated to female commuters...ahahah to protect us! so considerate!
i have learnt a lot these 2 days and i really thank God for this opportunity. there are many new challenges to overcome everyday. these 2 days i learnt how to fold clothes, how to greet customers, how to unpack new stock, how to read codes, names of the displays on the shop floor, today i learnt how to vacuum!! hahha,, my back starts to ache whenever i stand or walk for too long, today after vacuuming, my back was achin too. pls help me pray for strong bones and divine health! and also, help me pray that i will have the strength to go thru each day and glorify the Lord in whatever I do, say and think!
oh yah, my store was playing a christian song on Tuesday hahaha..i told my another christian friend that God wants to remind us that He is always with us and we were both very encouraged then
ok everyone have a great time this weekend as we all experience His wondrous love..
Sunshine ; Thursday, November 06, 2008
Tuesday, November 04, 2008

cheezzzz to soba!
thanks for praying for me, i have settled in japan safely and comfortably. my room is very self-sufficient. i have a toilet and a bathroom, a small stove, washing machine, oven and fridge. i can warm the toilet bowl!! as such, my butt is kept warm!! hahahah..
the weather is pretty cool, in fact its rather cold, when i landed, it was only 9 degrees and i think it has remained as that so far. every morning and evening is rather cool especially when the wind blows, its really cold, i guess cherlene will like it cos it like walking in a air-conditioned room all the time!
i took abt 3 hours to travel from narita airport to where i stay. i stay near bakuroyokoyama and ill be working in shinjuku-sanchome store. that day we touched down, we lug all our luggages around the train station and i had muscle aches after that. my luggage was the heaviest! i have 2 bags and they weighed abt 38kg thats like the weight of a person..maybe jean?
anyway i get along well with my colleagues and everyone is willing to help and all. i hope we will stay this way for the next 2 months!
i saw the dance list for the next 2 weeks, how i wish i can dance too! there was one morning i listened to "all the earth" and i was dancing the chorus in my small room!! hahah..i miss dancing and i miss u babes! last nite i cried before i slpt cos i suddenly felt very lonely here..but i know im here to widen my horizon and im ready for the challenges so i just braced myself. pls continue to pray for me as i go thru the cold autumn here and for courage to move on!
im starting work in the store tmr and i think ill be learning the basics, im excited and trying to forget the fear in me. i know i will get thru it! jia you!
thanks for sending me off everyone, thks for coming and wishing me well!
thks lai lai, dawn, jeff and regi.
thks kei, caleb, yoyo and uncle.
thks mummy, papa, carol
of cos my mickey
and also my best friend lin and my counsel, melina for meeting up with me before i leave.
thanks yan, for wanting to come send me off.
i love u guys!
Sunshine ; Tuesday, November 04, 2008